Over hundreds of years one or two horses where the most dominant resource for agricultural work. In this period CO2 was nearly constant and soil compaction wasn’t even known.
Due to the creativity of the human being and driven by a growing population, new working methods and tools were introduced in the industrial age. The paradigm was to increase power, to do more as ever before, in less time. With the increase of power, side effects like increasing CO2 emissions, increase of weight and therefore soil compaction, limited heavy rain absorption of the soil and others where generated. The dramatic increase of CO2 over the last 80 years leads to new challenges for the agricultural industry and the human in general.

The growing population needs a high effective agricultural industry, which can deliver high quality products. The global growth of population will continue and therefore we must produce the food where we need it.
A lot of jobs in the agricultural industry are low income jobs, which are not popular and therefore the industry is short in workforce in some regions. This leads to a move in production to best cost countries, with the challenge how to handle the CO2 footprint for transport, the quality and the transportation time (e.g. conservation).
With the exciting progress in robotics, artificial intelligence, embedded computing, data access (e.g. GPS, weather information, satellite images) and the availability of cost-effective technologies, produced in high volume for the consumer market, we have the chance to change the way how we do agricultural business. We can enable an
Affordable and Sustainable Agriculture for high quality products
S-A-M Technologies GmbH is committed to bring these technologies to the agricultural market in high volume and in an easy to use approach. No experts needed to setup our robot SAM, no need for detailed computer knowledge – just a smart device in your hand to make it work. SAM has slightly more power than 2 horses, weight is 25% of a horse and can be transported by one person.
Not all tasks can be done by SAM, means we still need high power tractors for some applications, some plants in some regions, but SAM can make the difference for a lot of applications to come closer to a CO2 neutral, effective, biological and unlimited agriculture.
S-A-M Technologies GmbH is therefore proud to provide a tool which enables us to make a significant contribution to some of the United Nation Goals for a Sustainable Development .
Together we can make a significant contribution to ensure a CO2 neutral, sustainable and high quality agriculture – let’s do it!